What a week! First of all, this morning three missionaries left to go home. They finished their missions. They were all three exceptional elders that I greatly admire. It's funny in this mission because even with one missionary's parting there is a big difference, since we fluctuate in the lower 20’s on the missionary head count. But, life moves on and progression continues onward into eternity. I am thankful for the friends I have made, both missionaries and natives; I feel as though these people have become my dearest friends. They have been a large part of an experience that has crafted much of who I am and who I have become. With each unique experience we have we become bonded to people through the circumstances and by the circumstances themselves.
This week we were able to set a baptism date with that golden amie, Brenda. The 17th of July. She is just so enthusiastic about this decision even though we have only met with her twice. Can you believe that? This just goes to show that there are people who are ready. I have come to see more and more how small a part I play in the conversion process - Heavenly Father is the greatest alchemist, preparing people to accept the Gospel and then leading us to these amis that He has touched with his Midas hand.
Speaking of baptisms, we went to Aurélie's on Saturday at Magenta. It was the sweetest baptismal service I have ever attended. It was tender and pure. I feel honored to have been able to be with Aurélis at the beginning as she learned and accepted so quickly and with full-intent the restored Gospel. I will never forget when she prayed outloud for the first time with us, and how Soeur Chugg and I would float home after our lessons. How blessed Heavenly Father has made me bestowing me with precious, good fruit from His vineyard. Like I told Mom, words are frail substitutes for expressing profound feeling, and I felt Heavenly Father's inexplicable love at her baptism. Aurélie asked me to sing at her service so I did a translation of a Young Women's song that I brought along with me. The talks, one by Soeur Leavitt and another by Elder Manning were simply wonderful. I am so impressed by the teaching capacities that the missionaries here have.
Friday was our zone conference with Président, and there was a very good spirit there that has been lacking at ones in the past. It is so good to be taught and enlightened by our leaders here. We focused on chapter 4 in Preach My Gospel which speaks on how to better recognize and understand the Spirit. I am trying hard to improve my prayers and be more sensitive to the Spirit. I felt His guidance strongly as I study the scriptures. One of the elders made an astute comment about our personal study hour in the morning: Since we do not have a temple nearby that we can attend, our personal study hour is the closest that we get to going to the temple; it is the moment of the day where we can receive from Heavenly Father’s hand profound instruction, increased knowledge, understanding and personal revelation. All as we study the Holy Scriptures. In my President's interview President asked me to make a list of the things I am going to do these final four months to keep moving forward as a missionary, so that my motivation will keep pushing through. One of the things I want to do is come up with a better way of planning and setting goals for both my personal and language studies. I am excited, and already I can see the fruits of my efforts.
I know this work is true. The Gospel has brought me ineffable happiness and I see clearly and more fully the depth of Heavenly Father's love for me and for all His children. Christ suffered so much for each of them. This work is worth it, for Christ is the reason.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Hold to the rod, the very word of God. If you do, you will never perish. What a promise!
Soeur Cummins