First things first: Happy Birthday Heather Shea!
I am at the beginning of the very end now. It is a sobering thought. Soon I will leave this land, these peoples, and this life that I have grown accustomed to and so fond of and come back to the “other side”. These are the last moments.
We watched conference this past weekend, as the time changes are so different that to watch it when you do would be at three in the morning the day after. Apparently, this is not ideal. The messages were inspired and soul-renewing, different than those given six months ago both in topic and tone. I appreciated the clear focus on decision making and agency. What an incredible capacity and responsibility (which grows as knowledge increases and talents are bestowed) we have to choose.
I had a faith inspiring experience yesterday at conference that I feel prompted to share with you. I could have overlooked its simplicity, but the Lord works in various small, unassuming ways for His children, and I believe that as we become more aware of and thankful for His less evident workings in our lives, He is willing to continue in His outpouring. We have an amie named Fabianne. She wanted to come to conference on Saturday and waited until five in the afternoon for the ride that was supposedly to come pick her and her children up. No one came. We confirmed a ride for her on Sunday, but we noticed after the first session that that neither Fabianne or the member given the task to pick them up were there. At this point we had about twenty minutes until the commencement of the last session, and I was anxious - feeling and, thus, knowing that we had to find some way to get her. I whispered a small prayer of gratitude and help and then went to work trying to find a member willing to go to Ducos. Soeur Fitcher was out chatting with some other soeurs and I asked for her help. She was willing. We, three, drove to Ducos, picked up a very happy Fabianne and family (re-dressed for the third time), and arrived at conference just as President Uchtdorf gave the opening remarks. Later that night we had a soirée familial (FHE) at Fabianne’s and she expressed her gratitude to have been able to go to conference. She said that she felt great peace when she heard President Monson’s final remarks. It was her first time to see and hear the prophet. I appreciate the simple power of prayer and faith and the help that Father puts in our paths – to be able to ask Him for help in any circumstance, big or small, complex or uncomplicated.
This week I had my final district meeting with the other missionaries in my district, since tomorrow is zone conference. I am going to miss our quirky district and the Spirit we feel one and all each Tuesday between the times of 11 and 12:30 as we strive to become a more adequate servant in the Lord’s vineyard. It is a great blessing from the Lord that I have not yet felt the impact of my impending departure – I feel focused and energetic to work and labor to the very end. Oh, Father has blessed me more than I could ever wish to express.
On Wednesday I did a final exchange with Soeur Chugg (or, as I enjoy crooning, “Sista Shoe-guh”) and we visited one of our newer amis. This one lives in a squat down by an out-of-use lepers' colony. It is the most tranquil spot I have been to on the island – the terrain of the colony that is, not the squat. It is located on the ocean front, and we sat and waited for our ami to arrive amongst the intricately branched mango trees. What a perfect place to talk about the Gospel of peace. Plus, if I were a leper… no, I won’t even say that.
We had a wonderful experience with our amie, Annie Wema, this week. She was alone when we stopped by her apartment, and consequently she was able to unload a lot of personal problems and sadness that has been weighing on her mind. We listened with care and were able to respond to her concerns. She told us that she had begun reading the Book of Mormon. She said that as she read she would feel peace and calm, but that as quickly as this feeling would come to her it would leave. She asked if she was too weak to be able to keep it with her. We explained the nature of the Holy Ghost before our baptism and confirmation and its more limited role (limited by our lack of covenant – like someone knocking on our door; all he can do is knock and wait for us to “receive” him in, though he has the capability and potential to roam freely in our house) and how the Spirit, after confirmation, could be a continuous influence in her life. I loved the talk that Elder Bednar gave about the Holy Ghost, His nature and our relationship with him. I do not think that I really understood the whisperings of the Spirit and his nature before I came on my mission. Of course, I did follow those promptings to go on a mission, but I realize that there have been many a time that I felt his holy influence but was not aware that it came from him, and thus was not aware of a response to a question or a guiding light. I am grateful that I have a greater comprehension of and receptivity to his subtle but sure influence.
I have to run now. This is my last P-day, and there is much to do. You should take a glance at my planner for this week – bursting with activity; the best sort of week.
See you on the other side.
Soeur Cummins