The weeks are filing by before my eyes. Next week I begin my final missionary planner, ushering in the final six weeks of my mission in this blessed island land.
This morning Soeur Paepaetaata and I had very interesting personal studies which ended up becoming a confusing companionship study. I studied DandC 77, which gives an explanation of the revelations of John, and Soeur P. studied 2Néphi17, smack dab in the Isaiah chapters. As we attempted to understand the complexties of the signs of the second coming, Judaic history and the perspective of Isaiah in seeing the latter days, Soeur P. reminded us that "if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God...", so we said a prayer. This goes to say that the more that I progress in my study of the Gospel, the more that I see how much God wants to give me the knowledge and understanding of His mysteries. Yet it is essential for me to search them out with His Spirit, for the mysteries of God can only be understood by the spirit of revelation. I am convinced of God's fervent desire to give me understanding.
This past week we had a particular experience that was positive with two newer amis, Prisca and Jacques. We met Prisca during a knocking doors activity (with member Soeur Mana in tow), and we set up a second lesson for this past week. Not only was Prisca ready for our lesson when we came, but her copain Jacques was there and willing to listen as well. The lesson was on the Restoration and they committed to, once they prayed and were certain of the message's truthfulness, to join the Church. There was a warm spirit in their home, and after our lesson they said that they had prepared a meal for us. I am frequently astounded by the kindness of the people here. On Friday night we had a dinner planned with an inactive family, but we weren't able to confirm it with them until the day of. I thought that perhaps they had forgotten, but when we went by in the morning we found the mother preparing the dishes for that evening. During our meal together that night, they told us all about their experiences with the missionaries. After their immaculate dinner they found out that I would soon be finishing my mission and they gave me a present of two traditional dresses. :)
On Thursday we did another sister's exchange and I went up to Paita to work the day with Soeur Chugg. The last exchange that I did in Paita was not the most positive of experiences, but this time was different. Soeur Chugg and I had great morning studies and went out to do some "finding activities" with gusto. We didn't talk to many people, but at the end of the road we met a sweet Futunian woman, Suliata, and taught the Plan of Salvation. There has been a shortage of the Restoration brochures that we give out to people we contact (which is the brochure we give out the most often), so we have been “forced” to us the Plan of Salvation brochure. The past few weeks have convinced me that this is not by accident. The people we met have a desperate need to understand God's plan for them and their family. When we taught Suliata she expressed sorrow at the loss of her parents many years ago and how still missed them. We couldn't stay with her very long (she was the last house we were to knock), but we testified of the love of our Father and His wonderful plan for our lives and for our eternity. Even in this short lesson I felt the Spirit testify to me of how much God loved this woman. I feel so lucky to be, many times, an intermediary between God and these people to testify to them and let them know of God's love for them. We also had a great lesson later that afternoon with a man and his wife (Jess and Nadette) on prayer. I shared the story of the brother of Jared in Ether 2 where it explains how he didn't pray for four years as they dwelled by the seashore and how the Lord visited him and chastised him. Before we I read the Lord's chastizing of the brother of Jared (verse 15) it seemed harsh, but when you read it and realize that it comes from a loving Heavenly Father it takes on new light. It shows how desperately the Lord wants us to be with Him, but we cannot dwell with Him if we do not pray to Him or do the small and simple things.
All in all, my last exchange in Paita was positive, and it was also a VERY good day for my companion, Soeur Paepaetaata in Ducos with Soeur Leavitt. It gave her the opportunity to step up to the plate, show the area to Soeur Leavitt, and take on more responsibility. She gained greater confidence in herself and a desire to be a better missionary. I can see that the effects of that transfer already in her recent work. She is becoming more constant and dedicated, and this pleases me immensely.
So many good experiences this week: our amie Ruth who prayed at church, the Relief Society activity, a nice sunburn (wait, not a good experience), Soeur Seiko's working with us, good knocking activities, François stops smoking, etc...
I love you all. Good luck this week with school and seminary.
Soeur Cummins