Sorry that this is coming your way a day after our P-day. Yesterday was Pentecost day, which in the Bible is the day that the apostles received the Holy Ghost and by evil thinkers were thought, because they were speaking in tongues, to be drunk. However, they seem to enjoy this day here in the opposite fashion - getting tipsy and chasing away the Spirit. On such a holiday there is almost nothing open, so we were just thankful to be able to get our groceries done.
This week has been quite eventful and a bit taxing emotionally. I think that our endurance and diligence is being put to the test as we seem to face one push back after another disappointment, but I am happy to continue to be obedient. We had a lesson last night with our recent convert, Isabelle, along with some other inactive members (because Isabelle, is becoming inactive)about obedience and how, as it describes in Abraham 3:25, obedience is the very reason we are sent to earth; we are to show Father that we desire to follow Him by being obedient. If that is our true reason for our existence here on earth, the question is: how are we doing?
Let me began by the event that one day in the future I will be able to look back on and not be too dismayed. We have a little boy who turned eight that we have been teaching for quite a while. His name is Tony. He comes from a very interesting part-member family who is not the most supportive of his Church life. He has a cousin that he attends Church with every week and his baptism was supposed to be this past Saturday. However, after noticing the lack of his Church attendance we decided that we couldn't do his baptism this week and not until he began to have more consistent attendance at Church. We told his grandmother (who is pretty much his guardian, since his mother either is working, at the Kava bar or in front of the television - that might sound uncharitable but those are the only three places I have ever seen her or heard of her goings) that we would have to push the date back because of the lack of family support at the house getting Tony to Church every week. She took great offense to this. She is an inactive member of many years and she wanted this baptism for Tony's birthday, though, we had to explain, that this is much much more than a birthday present. She felt that we were judging her and her family and said she wanted nothing else to do with the Church and the missionaries. It was ridiculous. Then she told us to leave. We left. We were dismayed, but we spoke to her wonderful visiting teacher, Marie-Claude, and she was able to go over there and help her out. She has calmed down, but I think it still might be a while before we can stop by. All in all, everything will be okay, though we are just sorry for little Tony and the situation he is in with his family. What a blessing it is to have parents who care about you. To have parents who take interest in your learning and growth. The mission has helped me see the blessing of having goodly parents.
I went on a split to Paita this week with a Tahitian sister, Soeur Viriamu. It was a strange experience to be in one of my old sectors and to see how much the work there has changed. The work there is still pretty difficult though and it made me thankful for Rivière Salée.
We taught some great lessons with Pako this week. He is turning out to be our favorite member to take to lessons. He is so sincere when he bears his testimony, and he even does follow-ups for us. He went by our ami’s (Jarom) house to see if he was coming to Church and since he couldn't Pako set up another appointment with him for us. Way to go, Pako. He told us that he gave his nice television away to some friends that live in Magenta so he could study the scriptures more. We were blown away. He progresses steadily.
However, our other recent convert, Isabelle, is not doing as well as we would like. We think she has started smoking again, and since she doesn't want to come to Church and says that she feels "blocked" when she tries to read the scriptures we know something is up and keeping the Spirit from being with her. There is work to be done.
A bright spot in our week was finding two new investigators through some of our members - Valerie and Célina. We are just praying and praying to find people who want to hear the message and this was (and will hopefully turn out to be) an answer.
Yesterday we spent our rainy P-day at the Guidi's house in Dumbéa. Frère Guidi served his mission in England, and he and his wife were married in the London temple. Their home and family life remind me so much of home and I felt at home there. We spent the afternoon playing kid's games, cards, and pictionary. It was wonderful.
Anyway, perseverance is the name of the game, and we are doing it. Pray for us and for our success. I just love teaching the Gospel and I desire so much to find people here who want it.
Have a wonderful week! Good luck with that snow...
Love you!
Soeur Cummins