1) I received a lovely watercolored map of New Caledonia in the mail two days ago. When I noticed the OPT logo (which is the French postal service mark) on the large tube-like package my mind first jumped to estasy and then to "wait, who sent me this?" I was touched to receive the package (especially when I revealed its contents). I have been missing la Calédonie particularly these past fews days. I had to go out to the car and shed a few tears; I couldn't well do that in front of the postal lady. She probably already thinks I am beserk for walking into the office decked in my soccer wear, clackety cleats included.
2) I can still speak French. A certain madame from BYU called the other night (same evening that I recieved that cherished tube) to inform me with some important news and I didn't even have to think before responding and conversing freely. It was like riding a bike; a lovely bike that misses being set onto open sidewalk.
3) Frere Kilama made a transpacific telephone call to give me "les nouvelles" from la Calédonie.